Become a member today
Send your application to info(at)schoolkidslight(dot)fi or by sms to 0405532555.
For Members
Members are invited to the annual meeting, the highest decision making body in an association.
The board is elected, the previous year is reviewed and the following year’s plans are approved at that meeting: Applications for membership are approved by the board. Those supporting the goals and statues of the association may receive membeship.
To become a member send your application to info(at)schoolkidslight(dot)fi or by sms to 0405532555. Enclose your e-mail adress, needed for our membership register as communication is by e-mail.
Pay your membership fee, 30€ for 2019, to the bank account of the association
FI47 4055 0011 1611 10
Use the reference number 11141 for your membership payment
As a member your only obligation is to pay you annual membership fee.
We appreciate members supporting the assiciation economically, getting new members and serving as ambassadors for the association.
Members are invited, at their own expense, to join our annual visits to the schools