Longido Primary
Facts about Longido Integrated Primary, Longido
Longido integrated Primary school has 1098 students. Many are children to nomadic Maasais and 501 students live on the boarding school, 24 are blind and 7 live with physical or mental challenges. They have received latrine buildings, a green house, 100 mattresses, and annually large quantities of necessities for education. After three years of support from us the school was awarded prize for being the second best Primary school in Northern Tanzania.
Their main needs are related to their buildings: The number of students on the boarding school has increased and new latrine buildings for girls and repairs in the dormatories for both girls and boys are needed. 501 children share 228 mattresses in the dormitories. Beds and mattresses are needed. We had means to cater for much of the school’s enquiries for school necessities. Pens and pencils, excercise books, dictionaries, white chalks etc.
Genaral Information
Number of teachers: 32
Number of teachers for students with special needs: 5
Total number of students: 1115
Total number of female students: 542
Number of students with special needs:
- Blind: 21
- Albinism: 1
- Deaf: 2
- Physical: 7
Number of beds in dormitories: 256
School fee: No school fee
Number of Braillers: 22
Head Teacher: Charles Mmbando
email: nagcmmbando(at)gmail(dot)com
Telephones: 0767303546, 0786303526