Longido Secondary

Facts about Longido Secondary


Head master: Daniel Geofferey Temu

e-mail: longido(dot)secondary(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

Telephone: 0784632810/ 0757297076

Genaral Information

Number of Teachers: 88

Number of teacher for students with special needs: 09

Total number of students: 1756

Total number of female student: 876

Number of students with special needs 38

i. Blind 12

ii. Deaf 03

iii. Physical 03

v. Albinism 20

Number of beds in dormitories –

Number of Braillers 25

This is the only school of its kind we are supporting. The thinking is that most of the children from the Longido Primary will subsequently become students in Lomgido Secondary.

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