Themi Primary School Arusha

Facts about Themi Integrated Primary School, Arusha

Themi is a day school with 1481 students. Children come in the morning and go back home in the evening. This can be a challenge for the visually impaired as parents cannot afford the transportation from and to the home village. Many more visually impaired children would go to school if low cost or free transportation could be arranged.

Also this school is fighting water supply challenges. They have their own well and need an additional water tank on a high enough foundation to make everything work. A craftsman was present during our visit to discuss the costs for a solution. His offer was accepted and the solution will be implemented.

The school kitchen needs to be modernized. It is difficult to prepare 1500 meals per day especially during the rainy season.
The cost for this project is 7-8000€ that we need to raise.


Name of Head Teacher/Master: ZEBEDAYO MOLLEL

E-mail adress:mollelzebedayo(at)gmail(dot)com


General Information

Total number of teachers: 31
Number of teachers for students with special needs: 7
Total number of students: 1496
Total number of female students: 749
Number of students with special needs:

  • Blind:10
  • Deaf: -
  • Physical: -
  • Mental: -
  • Albinism: -
  • Other: -

Number of beds in dormatories: -
School fee: Free education
Number of Braillers: 10 braillers

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